Tuesday, 31 May 2011



Ding is call again to write on Scholarship issue after watching NEWS at TV3 and please to advice politicians ….STOP THIS POLEMIC!!! As said on my blog earlier you guys are planting time bomb to this nation.  

For PKR, the political standing…equality.


May i say that Chinese (MCA & DAP) is sharing same agenda as lated LIM LIAN GEOK. or for them GO TO HELL with Constitution.  They want to be the Malaysian Hero! Takeover Putrajaya!  And Kill… constitution made by Reid Commission! New breed of Malay to be create.

JPA must NOT listen to the politicians. If tomorrow, Parliament is revising and meeting the demand by MCA, MIC and non Malay NGO….the winner is DAP & PKR!  Again, UMNO must not listen the Do Xiang Zhong, and Hindraf.  

Government must find the solution and completely resolve this issue and to stop them becoming an annual debate. Stay on the fundamental, all races agreed with REID COMMISSION and our fathers- grandfathers had signed the agreement for the independent. WHY must question the right of Malay and Native to receive scholarship?

On issue of MERIT?  What kind of Social justice that this people want? The richer is growing richer and poor to remain in poverty? Aren’t Malay has given more than enough?

Ding urge Malay must dare to defend the right and our interest on basis of the law of Federal Constitution.


22 May 2009 | Articles, Current Affairs, Personal | by admin |

Selasa lepas saya dijemput menjadi panelis di forum tentang biasiswa JPA dan mencari sebuah dasar yang adil dan saksama. Panelis lain terdiri daripada Lim Kit Siang, Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, Tony Pua dan Anthony Loke.
Empat tahun lalu, ketika kedua-dua saya dan Jeff Ooi belum lagi menjadi wakil rakyat, cuma blogger, saya menulis kepada Jeff Ooi:
“The fiasco of SPM high achievers being overlooked by the authorities in the awarding of scholarship can now be gauged like clockwork. Each year, as the authorities announce the list of scholarship recipients we can see a huge brouhaha among the public.”
Sememangnya hampir setiap tahun selepas keluarnya keputusan SPM dan biasiswa JPA, isu biasiswa akan menggamit perhatian masyarakat. Memandangkan isu ini melibatkan pendidikan harapan generasi muda kita, perkara ini tidak mengejutkan.
Di dalam forum tersebut, saya tekankan isu pokok ialah perlunya sebuah sistem yang telus dan jelas. Biasiswa belajar ke luar negara merupakan suatu keistimewaan bukannya hak. Kini begitu ramai pelajar yang mendapat 10A1 atau lebih di dalam SPM, sedangkan peluang biasiswa ke luar negara adalah terhad. Lebih penting lagi, isu biasiswa ini tidak boleh dilihat secara berasingan daripada isu pendidikan tinggi negara.
Saya menggesa orang ramai yang hadir di forum tersebut tidak melihat isu biasiswa ini daripada kacamata kaum. Tidak dinafikan, isu ini berhubungkait dengan polemik kaum yang sering mendasari apa-apa pertikaian di Malaysia. Ada kes-kes pelajar-pelajar Melayu yang juga mendapat keputusan yang baik, dan dinafikan biasiswa.
Jika dilihat dari sudut sejarah, sememangnya lahirnya kelas menengah Melayu hari ini banyak terhutang budi kepada peluang-peluang biasiswa yang dibuka secara meluas selepas Dasar Ekonomi Baru diperkenalkan. Saya tahu, kerana bapa saya merupakan Pengarah Latihan JPA pada waktu itu, dan sering menceritakan bagaimana beliau akan menghadap Tun Tan Siew Sin, Menteri Kewangan pada waktu itu dalam usaha menambah perbelanjaan untuk biasiswa JPA. Beliau mengunjungi pelbagai negara bagi berunding tempat di universiti universiti antarabangsa bagi menghantar pelajar-pelajar negara.
Penekanan agresif ini telah menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara yang kita nikmati hari ini. Tetapi kejayaan dasar ini sendiri menyebabkan kita perlu pendekatan baru. Majoriti besar Melayu dan Bumiputera yang mendapat biasiswa hari ini dari keluarga kelas menengah, termasuk saya sendiri. Anak-anak Melayu dari golongan nelayan, pekerja dan petani teramat jarang mendapat peluang ini.
Di samping itu, seperti mana esei yang saya tulis untuk the Edge beberapa tahun lepas, sistem biasiswa khususnya di kalangan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) telah mengakibatkan kebanyakan cerdik pandai Melayu muda terkumpul di dalam GLC-GLC. Ini mengeruhkan kekurangan profesional-profesional Melayu di dalam syarikat-syarikat multinasional ataupun syarikat-syarikat swasta lain di negara kita. Ini menambahkan lagi polarisasi kaum di antara GLC dan sektor swasta. Banyak GLC tidak menggunakan sepenuhnya kebolehan mereka. Pada masa yang sama sistem biasiswa JPA kita juga tidak dipadankan sepenuhnya dengan sistem Pegawai Tadbir Diplomatik negara kita, menyebabkan ramai pelajar tajaan JPA Melayu dan bukan Melayu yang bukan sahaja tidak berkhidmat dengan kerajaan, malah bekerja di luar negara. Sebagaimana dimaklumkan Tony, di Singapura berbeza kerana penerima biasiwa mereka menyertai perkhidmatan pentadbiran republik tersebut.
Tetapi mengkritik mereka sebagai tidak mengenang budi atau tidak patriotik tidak menyelesaikan masalah. Kita mesti menarik mereka pulang dengan sistem yang lebih dinamik dan fleksibel. Malah pengalaman mereka bekerja di luar negara boleh menambah nilai kepada mereka bagi pulang selepas itu untuk menyumbang kepada negara. Pada masa yang sama, jika ada yang bertekad untuk tidak berkhidmat dengan penaja dengan membayar semula tajaan tersebut, kita sepatutnya mempertimbangkannya. Walaubagaimanapun, melarikan diri tanpa berita bukanlah sesuatu tindakan jujur memandangkan kita telah mendapat manfaat daripada biasiswa tersebut.
Rata-rata masalah dibangkitkan tentang bagaimana kriteria pemilihan pelajar bagi biasiswa JPA ini tidak telus. Pelaksanaan temuduga juga kurang memuaskan, berbeza dengan temuduga beberapa GLC yang saya sendiri maklum teramat kompetitif dan efisyen. Tambahan pula dasar biasiswa kini terlalu reaktif, bukannya proaktif. Selang beberapa tahun, sistemnya diubah mengikut iklim politik. Kita boleh menerima bahawa perubahan tidak boleh dibuat terlalu radikal atau tergesa-gesa, tetapi perlu ada road map atau halatuju jangka masa sederhana dan panjang bagaimana sistem ini boleh direformasikan. Mengekalkan sistem yang sedia ada bukanlah opsyen.
Kita juga mesti mula memperluaskan skop pembelajaran bagi pelajar-pelajar yang ditaja. Terlalu banyak penekanan agar pelajar-pelajar yang cerdik pandai menjadi doktor, jurutera, akauntan dan peguam sedangkan bidang sastera, kemanusiaan, sains sosial, keagamaan dan sains tulen terabai. Bagaimana nak lahirkan pemenang anugerah Nobel?
Akhirnya, isu biasiswa ini mesti dilihat dalam konteks pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Jangan kita lupa ramai pelajar-pelajar, termasuk pelajar-pelajar Melayu yang dahulu mudah mendapat biasiswa di IPTA, kini berharapkan pinjaman PTPTN yang mempunyai masalah tersendiri. Kita juga perlu mengimbangi menghantar pelajar ke luar negara dan melabur di dalam sistem pentadbiran tinggi Malaysia agar dapat bersaing dengan IPT-IPT antarabangsa. Jika kita terlalu obses dengan isu biasiswa sehingga terlupa konteks pendidikan tinggi, negara kita akan terus dilanda masalah.
Dr Goh Cheng Teik, bekas Timbalan Menteri dari Gerakan yang juga di dalam panel temuduga Universiti Harvard di Malaysia menceritakan bagaimana pada tahun 1950an dan 60an, Universiti Malaya begitu berprestij sehingga menjadi pilihan pertama pada waktu itu. Beliau sendiri tidak terpilih ke UM, barulah mencuba nasib masuk ke Harvard pada waktu itu! Saya mengimpikan era di mana rakyat Malaysia cuma ke luar negara hanya apabila tidak dapat ke UM, UKM, UITM atau UIA!
Semua pihak perlu bersedia melihat isu pendidikan di luar konteks kaum. Namun demikian BN telah menjadikan isu ini isu kaum. Setiap tahun, sebagaimana kata Tony, MCA akan berfungsi sebagai “Medium of Complaints and Appeals”. Pemimpin Umno akan meminta MCA jangan kecoh. Kini, selepas Makkal Sakti 8 Mac 2008, kaum India yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang pula dijanjikan biasiswa namun sampai hari ini janji tinggal janji.
Jika kerajaan tidak bersedia melihat isu ini daripada konteks modal insan, bukannya kaum — bagi membolehkan pelajar paling cemerlang di samping membantu yang perlu bagi menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara — negara kita akan terus kecundang. Semua rakyat tanpa mengira kaum akan merana. Lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia termasuk orang Melayu akan ke Singapura, Australia, Amerika Syarikat, Arab Saudi, Qatar, Dubai dan Jepun. Wang negara kita disumbang untuk pembangunan negara-negara maju ini, sedangkan sistem kita terus merosot.
Sebagaimana tegas Dr Dzulkifli — meritokrasi dan keadilan adalah ajaran Islam!


Chinese Solute LIM Lian Geok

SINARHARIAN 30/05/2011-Monday "Ding thought it is his personal responsibility to share Mr. Ridhuan Tee knowledge with fellow Malaysian  especially Malay- who is naive about history. Ding believed most Malaysian is unaware of this ULTRA KIASU and again in 1Malaysia concept, Najib urge us to be united -United Malaysian, tolerance, respect - ONE MALAYSIA FAMILY !." PEACE!!!

Sunday, 29 May 2011


Ding wrote his opinion:-    Weaken US$

NOW, Europe's ( Portugal, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Greece –“PIIGS”) monetary meltdown is look like worsen than the United States of America but dollars is seem higher in comparison to their currencies.
When profit taking on oil speculation is taking place, Dollar expected to bottom and this shall develop recession in USA and indirectly will affect the world.
However, the Federal Reserve will not sit quite and they are pulling out by raising interest rate and this reflect to Dollar is stronger against other currency recently.

Even if the world oil price goes down and Dollar is raising, it will pressure the equity market, either way world economic and monetary will not going to easy and stable.
In long term and overall, investment in agricultures or food related commodities is essential to protect the political, economical and of  the nation. Federal

Friday, 27 May 2011



It is becoming racial prejudice when WEE start the media outburst of the issue of granting scholarships by the Public Service Department.

Ding, wonder why politician deliberately polticalized what being agreed and stipulated in the social contract and constitution. The new generations are naïve on what translated in the constitution and these politicians are planting a time bomb to this nation.

It is good to practice for CS LEK as the boss of MCA to protect the back side of Dr Wee!  But don’t we think that this will add more on uneasy feeling and lead more toward racial prejudice? What is happening with 1MALAYSIA CONCEPT? The racial sentiment is thickening among the Malaysia because simple and small dissatisfaction!

YOU may call yourself as The Malaysian ROBIN HOOD? And NAZRI is the Malay HERO! 

Whatever, we are the looser! 

Lucky that UMNO is mature and don’t continue to support the brawl. What happen if President Party supported the move by Nazri? Ding, don’t intend to imagine!!!

Ding believes that so far all races in MALAYSIA  managed to seize the education opportunities provided by the government and NOW, what we want from every politician to concentrate and mobilized together to work hard to help Nation to pull thru economic hard time.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Ding response on the scholarship brawl with good advise " OUR 1MALAYSIA is weaken when YOU politicians always fight for own cheap popularity & disrespect Prime Minister, President of  BN & Nation. Please do not create OUTBURST MEDIA CULTURE!! ASHAMED of you,dear politician!

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek told senior minister Nazri Abdul Aziz to mind his words instead of attacking Deputy Education Minister Wee Ka Siong.

KUALA LUMPUR: The row over the Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships intensified when MCA took potshots at Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz.

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek said that Nazri was trying to play a hero when he criticised the party’s Youth chief Wee Ka Siong over the scholarship issue. He added that as a minister, Nazri should have known better instead of attacking Wee. I’m not teaching Nazri how to do his job. If he doesn’t know the role of MCA, then it is quite unfortunate.
“We want to solve the problem, we don’t want to play hero. Whoever wants to play hero is the minister who made the outburst. He doesn’t know the issue,” he told reporters at the party’s headquarters here today.
Wee, who is also deputy education minister, had revealed that 363 straight A+ students had failed to receive PSD scholarships this year. He alleged that there were “little Napoleons” in the PSD who acted against the Cabinet’s directive to hand out these scholarships.

But Nazri accused Wee of using the issue to gain political mileage instead of solving it.
‘It’s not a question of race’ Chua also took a swipe at ultra Malay rights group Perkasa for bringing race into the equation. According to a Malaysian Insider report, Perkasa information chief Ruslam Kassim claimed that many Malay students were not getting help from PSD.
Warning MIC and MCA not to create trouble (out of the scholarship issue), Ruslam called for Malay rights to be given priority. Chua said that Perkasa did not know what it was talking about, adding that there was already a 60% Bumiputera quota for foreign PSD scholarships.
The rest of the quota were given out to students based on merit (20%), those from East Malaysia (10%) and the handicapped (10%).“It is not a question of race. Perkasa, if you don’t understand the issue, don’t say anything. When you open your mouth, you will only reveal what you don’t know,” he said. Chua also said that both he and Wee met PSD director-general Abu Bakar Abdullah earlier today.

He said that Abu Bakar admitted that there were weaknesses in his department, and that corrections would be made. Chua also noted that scholarships were erroneously handed out to students who lacked the aptitude for these courses.

“There are students who asked for (scholarships in) course A but would be given (schorlarships in) course B. Some asked for degrees, but would be given diplomas,” he said.
“These are bureaucratic problems that can be sorted out,” he added.
Chua said that a total of 1,552 Chinese students had received foreign and local scholarships out of 4,000. He also denied allegations that students who scored 9A+ results in their 2010 SPM examination did not receive scholarship. “It is not true that they didn’t get scholarship. They probably didn’t get the scholarship of their choice,” he said.

In an unrelated matter, MCA announced the building of a Chinese museum in Malacca.
Chua said that the museum would show the contributions of the Chinese from pre-Independence right up to the drafting of the 1Malaysia idea.

He added that the Malacca government had agreed with the plan, and was identifying a site for the museum.

Chua also defended this move, saying that it was an MCA initiative rather than a government one.

Deputy Education Minister Wee Ka Siong is taken to task for alleging that there was abuse of power in the award of government scholarships.
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister Department Nazri Aziz defended today the Public Service Department (PSD), claiming that allegations of power abuse in the award of scholarships were unfounded.
Taking a swipe at Deputy Education Minister Wee Ka Siong for his public outburst on the sensitive subject, Nazri said that Wee was using the issue to gain political mileage instead of solving it.
“Are we interested in solving these students’ problems or your political condition? Maybe he’s saying this because he wants to defend his post as MCA Youth chief,” Nazri said at a press conference here.
Wee claimed last week that 363 straight A+ students failed to get PSD scholarships this year despite the vow made by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak that all students scoring 8A+ and above will receive the PSD scholarships.
The promise was made following a similar allegation of unfair scholarship distribution last year.
Wee also claimed that there are “little Napoleans” in the PSD who were directly acting against the Cabinet directive.
Nazri claimed the policy promised by Najib is in place and that the PSD scholarship award system, which he said is just and fair, now recognises application from those with 8A+ grades.
The PSD scholarships fall under two primary categories: the overseas degree programme (PILN) for 1,500 selected students and the local degree programme (PIDN) for 2,500 applicants.
Applicants for both PILN and PIDN can apply under four sub-categories, with each having different requirements for scholarships approval.
‘Give proof to back allegations’
Nazri said that from the 4,000 PILN and PIDN scholarships awarded to the 2010 batch of SPM top scorers, 2,183 spots (55%) were given to Bumiputera students while 1,817 (45%) were offered to the non-Bumiputeras.
Only 8,857 from the 16,900 students who applied for PILN scholarships met the PSD requirements, with 7,277 (43.1%) of them being Bumiputeras and 9,623 (56.9%) non-Bumiputeras.
However, Nazri said that only 1,500 PILN scholarships were offered and 300 were given purely on merit. Unsuccessful applicants, however, have the PIDN option which offers 2,500 spots.
Should they fail both, the students will still be eligible to apply for the 8,000 spots for scholarships at metriculation or diploma levels.
Nazri defended the existing scholarship award system and dismissed Wee’s accusation that there were systematic efforts by the PSD to deny non-Bumiputeras opportunities to obtain government assistance.
He asked Wee to provide proof to back his claims, saying that his allegations were causing hurt to PSD officers whose integrity he would vouch for.
“These interviewers are multiracial and respected academicians. We have to be fair to the officers. When you are a politician and you attack civil servants, they cannot defend themselves. I am doing this on behalf of all the excellent officers that we have,” he said.
Nazri added that Wee should have used “the right channel” like the Cabinet meeting tomorrow to voice his grouses instead of using the media.

Scholarships & Cheap Sympathy Politic
NEWS at 8pm (24/05/2011):

The members of BN should develop a real brotherhood as 1MALAYSIA concept. Learning to trust and respect each other’s.  Ding HATE public protest culture by MCA & MIC.  

Wee, who is also Deputy Minister of Education, led a protest of last week claimed that 363 students who earn all A + has failed to get a scholarship even though Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak last year agreed to all the students who had 8A + and above will receive a scholarship PSD.

The Malaysian Insider Research shows Najib years ago revealed the fact that the prime minister is promising scholarships to all students acquire 9A + to study at universities in and outside the country.

So, if you do not have the facts, not to speak. I have an opposition member of Parliament who tried to help the students, came to see me ... they do not go to the media.

But Wee, a BN MP and a deputy minister, went to the media and the public screaming for cheap publicity without coming to me to see the real issues, "said Nazri.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Door to HELL

Door to HELL


Ding is planning to leave for Uzbekistan next month and while surfing the internet, learning about the geography, peoples, politics, economic, cultures, point of interest, hotels and wowwww surprising found the scary and horrifying phenomena that good to share fellow readers.

More information surf …GOOGLE:  Door to Hell





awareness: new planet

Ding quote "More finding, to explore , to expect  from the dark frontier" and " what else out there?"

Ten new planets "floating" through the galaxies found in an international team of astronomers led by New Zealand scientists. Tenth Jupiter-sized planet that is a new discovery in the history of the Milky Way. The invention uses software developed by computer scientists Massey University, Wellington, Australia.
"They are giant planets in our galaxy, about the size of Jupiter. It turned out that this submarine is the tenth planet somewhere in between us and the stars," said Ian Bond, an Astro Physics, recently. The planets were believed to be located about two-thirds of the center of the galaxy, located about 25,000 light-years.

If they are visible to the naked eye, the planets would be pitch black, because they do not emit light. This new planet could be removed from the solar system since the meeting of gravity close to other planets or stars. Most likely the new planets grow from collapsing ball of gas and dust, but do not have the mass to ignite the fuel and produce starlight alone.
 These findings led the researchers hope to free floating planetary-sized Earth could support life. Although until now the possibility was small, such planet yet detected. (Xinhua / AIS)

Sunday, 22 May 2011



Malaysia is experiencing tremendous political, economic and social pressures due to rising global oil prices.

The rising energy and food prices will drive political instability and throw more people into the valley of poverty.

The Opposition parties are exploiting this global issue!. Government and the people are particularly vulnerable to high oil prices and carrying the economic burden and protecting the interest and welfare of fellow Malaysian.

We as energy driven economic are importing the energy commodities as main input to country development.

In ease the impact, government must increase subsidies, managed it well and to cut the development spending.

Educate the citizen” We must ready and to accept that the energy economic are related to our life style!”.

Saturday, 21 May 2011


When i surf for reading material, found this article that good to share with you.
wowww, amazing, right?
at least it help those greed family!!!
ALLAH, bless you my friends!.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Scholarship & Politic

Scholarship &  Politician
what a cry!!!   what is the purpose of Dr Wee said the Government officials failed to follow the direction of  Cabinet for awarding scholarship to qualified students. . During the press conference, why only Chinese student are being called for the nation? Where are thee other races? Malay or Indian?  Many Malay students have been offered at the local university, matriculation or program and they don’t use political platform to appear on the news paper to express their emotion and sadness.  Wee have to look at how many talented students in Malaysia?  Each year it grew and our Sister Chan Shu Ren is not left alone. I do not work as a government officer or politician like Wee but his talk  is sound  like treating to Malaysia's culture. Soon, Malay and Indian will behave like wee….demanding ,treating government officer and demonstration?.  Reading Star giving me heartache today!!!
I am sad with Politician attitude nowday!!!!!arggggggg!!!!
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